Not the 'Six Shooter' I Had In Mind

"If you're serious about your brew, and when it's quantity over quality, strap on a Beer Belt ($18). The Batman-worthy nylon belt features six plastic holsters designed to hold cans or bottles of your favorite liquid snack."

I don't know about you but my waist radiates nuclear sexy heat. Not the 'penicillin needed' heat.. just pure sexy heat. So now what am I supposed to do with 6 warm beers? And there's definitely a 'no running' policy in this classy belt. When I'm drunk.. I run. Like a gazelle. It's a gift really. So call me when they make the igloo cooler fanny pack that can hold a cold six pack, bubble wrap, and match my trucker hat that states the obvious "Sexy" across it.

PS. Let's not drag Batman into this. Everyone knows he's a Gin man.


1 comment:

Patrice said...

Call me when they make one that holds champagne!