Take My Wife... PLEASE!

AutoWed is a novelty wedding machine offering a quick hitch, a couple of rings and a personalised certificate for just £1/$1. Audio prompts, specially produced music, a bespoke retro keyboard and VFD display, ring vending and ticket printer all wrapped up in a Cadillac-pink cabinet with shiny aluminium fittings. We came up with the idea last year and built the unit shown here this spring specially for Marvin's Marvellous Mechanical Museum in Detroit, USA (marvin3m.com). Order one now - call us and we will build you one to order.

I take the sanctity of marriage very serious. Just ask my wife Mrs. Grilled Cheese. She so cheesy sometimes it’s like stop it! But seriously… this marriage in a juke box is great. Now you can marry your BFF or your BFF’s BF or your BF’s BF.. The list is endless.

Just have a little self control and don’t end up like me. I’m now paying alimony to a George Forman grill and the entire cast of Saved by the Bell.

via ConceptShed

Photos via technabob

No F'N Thank You!!!

Something about this robot dude screams "disassemble me in my sleep(!)". Plus he looks like a total remote hog.. and I'm still pissed about what that one robot did to my plant.

So I’ll just make my own French toast, thanks. I have a family recipe anyway. It’s one part bourbon and two parts staying alive.

ps. None of these fears apply to my robot bartender.

Be the Talk of the Streets! Literally..

Bad hair day, ladies? Forgot to shave, fellas? Ugly?... oop I mean…

I think this is great and won’t make you look f'n ridiculous (ps. it totally will). But if you’re not a fan of heavy petting in public and prefer to keep it creepy then here ya go.

This shade is supposed to give you the privacy we all sooo long for. It also provides you with the mugging that you probably could have lived without...

Just do me a favor and stay outta the carpool lane with this thing on... or any lane for that matter.

pics via Coolest Gadgets

Want to hide your freakishly large ears?? Well keep looking...

I’m not really sure what they were trying to pull off here but can we all agree that it was a total slam dunk!

I’ve been trying to get my Nana to get big plug earrings (she already has the sideburns). I think you can all guess what she’s getting for Christmas. Yep a palm pistol but maybe if she plays her cards right we’ll see about the phone cover too.

Just tell me where to pick this gem up… I’m all.. eerrr ears? (ugh I know I know).

Images via CollabCubed