
Ugh I'm so sick of people and their long term memories. I mean give me a break. You happen to be there one time, years ago, when I drank two 40 ozs of Hurricane and picked a fight with a parking meter. Now when I run into you it's the first thing we talk about. Meanwhile I can't remember how I got in your house or what your name is.

Good on you for being all ginsing ginkgo biloba but I'm tired of paying for my mistakes 10 years later.

Family is the worst about that too!

You bring one batch of pot brownies to your Nana's 4th of July cook out and they never let you live it down. Next time you may want to be a little more specific when you say "bring a treat." Just sayin.

Hey my dad always said "The family that smokes pot together...... um forgets the next line together?"

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