Britney's Naked Almost. Stop the Press.

Miss Britney Spears released her new video today. While I watched it on mute because I don't feel like dealing with bleeding ears before I head out on the town, I did watch it.

Britney provocatively dressed and poorly lip syncing? Why does this feel so familiar?? Ugh I can't put my... wait what is that you put on something that you can't.. Ugh I just got dumber for watching this video.

Brit remembers her real talents. And that's being as naked as basic cable will allow her.

If you ask me I miss the bat shit crazy Brit. Crazy is a fun place to be. I'm assuming. Though after my time with Busey I learned it's not a fun place to be around.

Busey if you're reading this, stop putting bologna and shaving cream sandwiches under my windshield wiper. Kane's too busy to clean bird shit off my car all day.

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