"Digital Beverages MyFountain XL
This robo-bartender takes orders, mixes cocktails, and then cleans up. Beneath the countertop dispenser, a dorm-style refrigerator holds up to 12 types of alcohol and mixers, plus a water-line link and a carbon-dioxide cartridge for fizz.
Atop the fridge sits the brain: an Internet-linked Windows XP computer. Enter new recipes on the touchscreen or on a personalized Web page, where you can also trade formulas with your friends.
Tap the screen to select a drink, say, the Martini and pumps send each ingredient up a tube to the nozzle, which mixes and pours them. While you imbibe, a pulse of hot water cleans the nozzle. A leftover droplet of water plugs each tube to keep the flavor from dripping into your next glass.”
EUREKA! I've been waiting for a robot bartender for like EVER! Kane and I went to Coinstar and cashed in our savings to purchase this bad boy.
It has a few pros worth noting:
1) It lets you make new drinks whenever they come to mind.
2) It doesn't refuse things like ketchup or Palmolive as ingredients.
3) It will pour the drink directly in your mouth.
Now being the fair journalist that I am, there's a few cons worth pointing out:
1) It doesn't take my keys when I decide to make a "run for the border".
2) It does not keep me from trying to make out with the video poker game.
3) It doesn't back up my "I'm British Royalty" story.
Just a few pieces of constructive criticism for the robot scientists.
I'll be looking out for Robot Bartender v2.0
Photo: Greg Neumaier