"Driving LED Emoticon
The battery powered device is attached to your back window. You have a wireless remote up front that you can attach to the dash board, in the console, or you can have it free, in your pocket or something. From there, you can choose from 5 optons.
1. Happy Face
2. Sad Face
3. Thanks
4. Back Off
5. Idiot"
This is genius! Seriously. Remember when they made those 'Baby On Board' back window signs and we took it one step further and made one for everything possibly funny that could be on board? 'Jewish Mother In Law In Trunk' and other gems like that.
I see a hot trend about to break. Kane and I did some research and found the most obvious new LED signs:
1. The obligatory middle finger sign
2. "Kiss My Grits"
3. "You give me a boner"
4. "Back Off - I'm Uninsured"
Trust me the last one works. I've been doing that for years with a bottle of white shoe polish. Haven't had to brake check anyone since.
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