"This Halloween you'll probably carve up a pumpkin with a goofy face. So did Alan Penner from Goleta, California, but his is geeky enough to join us here at the DVICE Tower with its instant-messenger-style smiley charm."
Someone needs a break from the computer. When I think "what the hell am I gonna carve into my pumpkin", I don't think the on button to my PS3.
Leave it to geeks to ruin a cool holiday for me. What's next christmas trees shaped like a motherboard? Thanksgiving turkey carved into a robot?? Ok the turkey one does sound awesome.. But still. Why can't you be like everyone else and carve a drunk puking pumpkin for me and Kane to come steal and run over with our car?
Kane and I just went and scored us some pumpkins. And to answer your question... Yes getting hammered, stealing the hayride tractor and starting an impromptu parade downtown does count as a 'DUI'. Who knew?
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