I Would Have Guessed More Booze Because of Course....

To see what beverages could help the body better metabolize alcohol, researchers at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou analyzed 57 different drinks, including herbal infusions, teas, and carbonated beverages. The team measured their effects on ADH and ALDH, finding that each drink had a different effect.

Interestingly, some herbal teas actually slowed down the process, prolonging a hangover. But the best beverages were Xue bi, the Chinese version of Sprite, as well as soda water, which were found to speed the enzyme's process, shortening the body's exposure to ALDH. Still, before guzzling Sprite or soda water after a few too many, the team said that more research is needed to further support the evidence.

According to a recent study in China it appears that Sprite may help reduce *GULP* the effects *CHUG!* of a hangover and will allegedly have you back to feeling 50% *KANE, BRING ME MY PANTS!*  I’m a little skeptical that the cure to us feeling like complete shit 2 days…. 3 days? Ok fine 4 days.. WHAT? You don’t know my…. OK ENOUGH YES! 8 days a week… was right out there in our parents garage fridge all along. But for the sake of helping these science dudes we’ll give it a try.  Kane bring me my six shooter

Photo: jokeitup.com

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Does this mean if I mix my vodka with Sprite that I won't get a hangover at all??? Brilliant!