Playing This Guitar MAY Make You To Go Blind

"This started out as a Cort Stratocaster copy.

I bought it on-line. But when I took it apart it turned out the body was plywood. So I decided to have some fun. I made a new body out of Cherry wood, added some maple for a new headstock, made a new pickguard and... voila!

The wangcaster was on the Graham Norton TV show, in Great Britain, where he showed it to Bon Jovi, who said "wow, that guitar has balls!" - Gus Curran

Bands have been created for a number of reasons... True love of music, getting laid, maybe to fill up your Saturday night plans because you're not gettin invited to the big dance. Whatever it may be... the fine makers of the Wangcaster are here to undo all of your hard work.

I'm not sure I would have been as forthright as Gus about my vision of a playing with balls on stage. But hey... just leaves us the chance to make our Boobcaster.

*Boobcaster - patent pending"


Who Said Video Games Weren't Educational?

6-year-old takes family car after missing bus

"WICOMICO CHURCH, Va. — A 6-year-old Virginia boy who missed his bus tried to drive to school in his family's sedan — and crashed. His parents were charged with child endangerment. State police said the boy suffered only minor injuries and authorities drove him to school after he was evaluated at a local hospital for a bump on his head. He arrived shortly after lunch, Sgt. Tom Cunningham said.

It happened around 7:40 a.m. Monday on Route 360, about 61 miles east of Richmond.

The boy, whose name wasn't released, missed the bus, took the keys to his family's 2005 Ford Taurus and drove nearly six miles toward school while his mother was asleep, police said.

He made at least two 90-degree turns, passed several cars and ran off the rural two-lane road several times before hitting an embankment and utility pole about a mile and a half from school.

The boy told police he learned to drive playing Grand Theft Auto and Monster Truck Jam video games.

"He was very intent on getting to school," said Northumberland County Sheriff Chuck Wilkins. "When he got out of the car, he started walking to school. He did not want to miss breakfast and PE."

All I know is if I ever get me one of these "6 year olds" I want them to have this kid's ambition. He get's himself up and dressed, already figured out breakfast and PE are the best parts of school, knows how to drive a car 6 miles (!) before crashing AND after being in the hospital STILL made it to history class. That's like 10 times more than we did today.

I think we just found a play date for Lil Derrick .