Dance Dance Revolution: The Musical!
"Brace yourselves for the theater event of the year: Dance Dance Revolution, the musical. Starring As The World Turns actor Van Hansis, it will feature original songs, a 40-person cast and DDR.
The plot:
"It's set in an Orwellian society where a dance prophet named Moonbeam Funk helps dancing youth gangs rebel against a fascist government. The company working on the show describes it as "like Footloose set in the future — but kind of scarier, and with 40 really attractive, barely-clothed young actors and buckets of free beer."
Dude I'd go see paint dry if you gave it that kind of plot summary. I like how they warn you that it's "like Footloose - but kind of scarier". hmmmm Footloose was pretty fuckin scary so this is going to be crazy scary! I just know it.
I can't wait for the story build up when we see how Moonbeam Funk changed the ways of young gang rebels of a fascist government to naked boys dancing on a metal video game to Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back". I know a winner when I see one. *SWISH!*
Photo: kotaku.com
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