Listen I'm just as big of a fan of kids getting mild concussions as the next guy. It's what makes us American am I right? USA! But I'd just like to understand at what point does it become a good idea to get a cardboard paper mache covered animal.. dangle it from your ceiling and have kids whack the living shit out of it.
Example: Me and the crew were loitering in a park like usual when we come across a child b-day party in the works. At this point the parents were hanging up this contraption. Mayhem ensued. Kids are beating the shit out of this thing and at the same time whackin the shit out of each other. The parents find this hysterical.
Then FINALLY this stupid thing breaks and about 20 pieces of 9 year old bazooka bubble gum fall to the ground quickly followed by a 30 kid pile up. These kids were kickin the bloody hell out of each other. I shit you not I saw a 2 year old sweep the leg of another kid.. LAST RESORT!
I say keep it real.. which I always do first and foremost.. and make it a 'to the death party. I got a 100 bucks on the 2 year old.
1 comment:
Duh they are in training. We used to make my little cousins battle it out all the time. Forget that silly Pinata excuse, we keep it honest. Hold on I hear child services at the door...
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