"A belt with three GIANT suction cups for you to hitch onto anything. That’s exactly what the Hitch concept is by designer Robert Nightingale. He believes in a free world where opportunistic travelers just latch themselves onto moving vehicles. The triple load vacuum suction cups are strong enough to keep you from flying off. As the designer puts it. . .
For best results position yourself at traffic lights, railway stations or air hangers. Subtly wait for the opportune moment (which is precisely 7 seconds before the initial point of acceleration) and attach the product as firmly as possible to the host vehicle (a brief run up usually does the trick), paying attention to ground clearance for ones feet and enjoy the ride"
Do you have good insurance and no reason to live? Well meet me in 30 minutes cause this thing is AWESOME!
We thought it was cool that Marty McFly, from Back to the Future, could skateboard behind cars.. well suck it Marty! With a casual jog, leap of faith and a little suction action... we're riding the side of a carpet cleaner van.
Update: When jumping onto a non-participating subject's car, it's a good idea to bring cab money. I'm currently 2 states away and Kane won't answer my calls.
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